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Media info

Media info from ISU

Representatives of international and national media can get accredited for the ISU World Cup in Stavanger via the ISU Media Accreditation system.

Please read carefully all terms and conditions. To get your Media accreditation approved, please upload all documents required.


Media information Stavanger 2023.pdf


Media Accommodation

Official Media hotel: Scandic City Stavanger

The deadline for booking the hotel for Media is 17th Oktober

To book Media hotel:
- Go to the website
- Choose English or Norwegian language
- Write Scandic Stavanger City under "Where do you want to stay" / "Hvor ønsker du å bo"
- Type the dates you want to overnight
- Type: BNOR291123 under "booking code, bonus cheque or reward night" /  "bookingkode, bonus cheque eller bonusnatt"
- Finish booking by providing personal information, paying method, etc.


In case of questions, please contact Press Officer of the Event

Lerøy Sparebanken Øst Fila Borg forvaltning Fuel of Norway Rudy Project