VM Hamar 2025 / Transport


How to get to Vikingskipet?

We recommend transportation by train to Hamar


From Oslo Airport Gardermoen

The train departs from Oslo Airport Gardermoen every hour from 06.59 in the morning until 23.59 in the evening. The train leaves from track number 1 and the travel takes 60 minutes from Gardermoen airport to Hamar Railway station. When returning from Hamar to Gardermoen airport, the train leaves every hour, on the hour, from 05.00 until 22.00 (05.00, 06.00, 07.00 etc).

From Railway station to the arena

From the station it is a 20-minute walk to the arena (1500m).


By car

Hamar is 1h 30min by car from Oslo. Map

Parking is available outside the arena (limited space).