

How to get to the official Event hotel and Stavanger city center

From Stavanger International Airport Sola

by bus: 

It takes ca.20 minutes to get from the Stavanger International Airport to the Official hotel by bus. OC will offer transport from the airport. 


by taxi:

Taxi is available at the airport during opening hours. You will find the Taxi stand between the terminal and the parking garage, go to the left when you leave the arrival hall.

Taxi can also be pre-booked: you will find your pre-booked taxi if you walk out of the terminal and cross the street, it will be on the parking space on your right-hand side.

Stavanger taxi: phone (+47) 51 90 90 90

Sandnes taxi: phone (+47) 51 66 16 00

Sola taxi: phone (+47) 51 65 04 44

Randaberg taxi: phone 05 141

Norgestaxi: phone 08 000


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