Skøyteforbundet / Nyheter / 2023 / Isdansparet må avslutte partnerskapet
Foto: Ørjan Dalseth
Foto: Ørjan Dalseth

Isdansparet må avslutte partnerskapet

Maria Bjørkli må legge skøytene på hylla av helsemessige årsaker og det ender partnerskapet med James Kozuta. Maria og James satt Norge på isdanskartet forrige sesong med sin historiske deltagelse i Europamesterskapet.

Maria og James har sendt følgende oppdatering:

"Hi everyone, it is with a heavy heart that we are unfortunately announcing the end of our partnership.
Due to very serious complications with Maria’s health and her pacemaker, she was informed by her doctors she should no longer pursue competitive skating. After a long wait for another surgery this is of course the last outcome we wanted to hear. We were devastated to learn of this as it is something completely out of our control.
We appreciate all of the support from the Norwegian Skating Association, coaches, friends, family and anyone who has followed us on this unique journey. In our short time together, we are proud to have achieved what we have in just one competitive season. It was our absolute honor to be the first Norwegian dance team to compete at European Championships.
A very big thank you again to our coaching team and families, we couldn’t have made it this far without that support system."
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